New Twitter Infographics from Deryn

Images show how often AMs and MPs tweet

Instead of posting a Christmas card to clients and friends this year, Deryn has used their Christmas message to show how often AMs and MPs tweet. The images tell an interesting story - most Welsh politicians regularly use the social media platform to communicate and share their ideas, but a small proportion are still wary, and some haven't taken to twitter at all. The graphics also show that a small number of Labour MPs and Plaid AMs are very regular tweeters, with the maximum in a month reaching nearly 600. 

The graphics reflect how often AMs and MPs tweet - Deryn chose a specific month and logged the number of tweets. 

Yn hytrach na phostio cerdyn Nadolig i gleientiaid a ffrindiau eleni, mae Deryn wedi defnyddio eu neges Nadolig i ddangos sut mae ACau ac ASau yn trydar. Mae'r delweddau yn adrodd hanes diddorol - mae'r rhan fwyaf o wleidyddion Cymreig yn defnyddio llwyfan y cyfryngau cymdeithasol i gyfathrebu a rhannu eu syniadau yn rheolaidd, ond mae cyfran fach yn dal i fod yn wyliadwrus, a rhai heb gymryd at twitter o gwbl. Mae'r graffeg hefyd yn dangos bod nifer fach o ASau Llafur ac ACau Plaid yn trydar yn rheolaidd iawn, gyda'r uchafswm mewn mis yn cyrraedd bron i 600.

Mae'r graffeg yn dangos pa mor aml mae ACau ac ASau yn trydar - dewisodd Deryn fis penodol a chyfri pob trydariad.



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About Deryn

Deryn is the freshest public affairs agency in Wales. We use modern techniques, real stories and unrivalled experience to help charities, organisations and companies shape their communications in the political arena. In the last year, we've helped strengthen laws to support vulnerable people, secured public funding to boost skills and supported major investments in Wales.


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