Deryn launches new site / Deryn yn lansio gwefan newydd

Archive for political manifestos in Wales / Archif ar gyfer maniffestos gwleidyddol yng Nghymru

Ahead of the Assembly Elections in May 2016, today we launched a website that includes every manifesto that’s been produced by the main political parties since 2001.

The new website - - will give people an interesting insight into the parties’ pledges on different issues over the years. You can also find policy notes on a range of topics including education, transport and energy, and updates on the prospects for each of the main parties in Wales. 

Wrth i Etholiadau’r Cynulliad 2016 agosau, rydym wedi lansio gwefan newydd heddiw sy’n cynnwys bob maniffesto sydd wedi ei gyhoeddi gan y prif bleidiau gwleidyddol ers 2001.

Pwrpas y wefan - - yw rhoi cipolwg cryno a difyr o addeeiwidon y pleidiau ar wahanol faterion dros y blynyddoedd. Yn ogystal, mae yna adran benodol ar bolisiau – gan gynnwys addysg, trafnidiaeth ac ynni. 


Cathy Owens, Director of Deryn said: 

This new site, where you can track how policies have changed over time in Wales, provides policy specialists with a curated location for political manifestos, and is part of our commitment to share and add value to political information in Wales.

In the run up to the Assembly Elections in Wales, we'll be publishing insight into the parties, candidates and campaigns, with the goal of better informing organisations and companies in Wales that need to keep track of developments. We'll keep a birds eye view on the election, and sift and sort the relevant information.

Dywedodd Cathy Owens, Cyfarwyddwyr Deryn:

Mae'r safle newydd yma, ble y gallwch gadw golwg ar sut mae polisiau wedi newid dros amser yng Nghymru, yn darparu lleoliad penodol i ddod o hyd i faniffestos gwleidyddol  ar gyfer arbenigwyr polisi, ac mae'n rhan o'n hymrwymiad i rannu ac ychwanegu gwerth tuag at wybodaeth wleidyddol yng Nghymru. 

Wrth i Etholiadau'r Cynulliad yng Nghymru agosau, byddem yn cyhoeddi gwybodaeth am bleidiau, ymgeiswyr, ac ymgyrchoedd, gyda'r nod o gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth cwmniau a sefydliadau yng Nghymru sydd angen cadw llygaid ar ddatblygiadau. Byddwn yn cadw llygaid barcud ar yr etholiad, gan hidlo a rhannu y wybodaeth berthnasol. 




About Deryn

Deryn is the freshest public affairs agency in Wales. We use modern techniques, real stories and unrivalled experience to help charities, organisations and companies shape their communications in the political arena. In the last year, we've helped strengthen laws to support vulnerable people, secured public funding to boost skills and supported major investments in Wales.


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